Saturday, April 23, 2011

Publishing is not an overnight process

We have in these past two years grown, expanded services, and have had the pleasure and honor of publishing some of the best indie author written books we feel that are available anywhere.

However as we grow and as word spreads about us we are running into a unique problem. That problem is the demand for overnight publishing. No, I don't mean literally, however I do mean demands or should I say expectations from some authors that their book be done quickly. I always use a saying...

Do you want it quick, or do you want it done right?

Simple question, as when people are rushed, and allow themselves to be rushed, errors can happen, and frankly we don't like errors. Books are judged on their writing, just as much as presentation, and the way they are done. When your publisher is rushed you WILL run the risk of having an error in your book. So to all of you prospective authors, realize please that a good job, a job that is done with care and concern, takes time....