Vanity publishing is a term used by some to describe a Publisher who charges for their services. We are curious as to how can anyone with a straight face can claim that paying to publish your book means you are not published. After all, what is the definition of "being Published?"
To issue (printed or otherwise reproduced textual or graphic material, computer software, etc.) for sale or distribution to the public.Now I think the key thing to see and understand is the last part of this definition. Sale or distribution to the public. There is a difference between a book printer and a publisher, the publisher not only designs, lays out and issues an ISBN for a book, they market the book, they do events, they work with the author to ensure that the book gets out into the public eye. We live in a day of services, if you go to an agent who gets you into a "mainstream" publisher two things happen.
1. You PAY that agent, or if he doesnt have an upfront fee he takes most of your royalties.
2. You lose the creative rights and control of your story.
After all, the Mainstream publisher is taking the financial risk, so naturally they want to make sure YO)UR book is just like THEY want it to be.
Paying to publish does not mean you are not "published." However it is also important to understand that BEING PUBLISHED is more than paying to have a book printed. Being PUBLISHED, is marketing, distribution, and seeing your book not in the local author sections, but on the shelf among other authors and published works.
So next time you are told you are not an author, ask whomever is telling you that, Who is your publisher?
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